Art of The book, Treasures Gallery
January 2020 - ongoing (2022), London - England

Francisca Prieto’s Antibook is now on semi-permanent display at the British Library, the national library of the UK. The library’s collection of over 170 million items includes artefacts from every age of written civilisation, spanning the ancient to the modern, from Chinese oracle bones to the newspapers of every day.

Francisca’s Antibook was acquired into the library’s collection in 2003 and was in 2020 made part of a new display of female artists in the library’s eminent Treasures Gallery. The Treasures Gallery celebrates some of the world’s most significant and beautiful books, including Shakespeare’s first folio and the Magna Carta.

Its new exhibition section the “Art of the Book” includes many important artists’ books, contemplating the artist’s mastery and exploration of the page. Francisca’s Antibook challenges our ideas of what a book should be, with its pages only readable when assembled as an icosahedron. Posing a new way of reading, Francisca’s Antibook now furthers the boundaries of the book in the company of the very best.

For more information about The Antibook please visit: https://www.blankproject.co.uk/artwork/antibook
For more information about the exhibition please visit: https://www.bl.uk/events/treasures-of-the-british-library


News from the British Library - 16 January 2020:
“Our Treasures Gallery is open again and we’ve had some big changes:
- A completely new Printing case including the Gutenberg Bible, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and the world’s oldest dated complete printed book, the Diamond Sutra (shown below)
- A new case on contemporary female artists including Francisca Prieto’s ‘Antibook’ which challenges what a book should be
- Leonardo da Vinci is back on the block with his theatrical stage designs
- A new display on William Wordsworth
… and plenty more!"
Source: https://www.facebook.com/britishlibrary/posts/our-treasures-gallery-is-o...

  • Artwork 'The Antibook' by Francisca Prieto
  • Artwork 'The Antibook' by Francisca Prieto - detail icosahedron
  • Artwork 'The Antibook' by Francisca Prieto - detail book 1
  • Artwork 'The Antibook' by Francisca Prieto - detail book 2

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